South Korea

November 14-20, 2022 / Vol 41, No 46 / Hawai`i Island, USA

NSC, JHUAPL, MVA Hold Space / Cislunar Meetings as Artemis, CAPSTONE, Danuri and Hakuto-R M-1 Approach Moon Operations

Poised to be a propitious week, November 16 is planned to see the first flight of Artemis / USA return to the Moon, while Capstone operates at its designated Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit. USA National Space Council, chaired by Vice President Kamala Harris, is organizing 2-hour listening sessions on Nov 14 and Nov 21 titled In-space Authorization and Supervision Policy: Novel Space Capabilities, and Approaches to Authorization & Supervision. NSC is looking to gather perspectives from these sessions to provide clear regulations for private enterprise developing innovative space capabilities and missions. Its Users’ Advisory Group is now chaired by Lester Lyles with 26 other participants and has 6 subcommittees. JHUAPL is holding 3rd Cislunar Security Conference on Nov 15-17 in Laurel MD and online, with keynote speakers Pam Melroy (NASA Deputy Admin), Matthew Daniels (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy) and Dennis Bythewood (United States Space Command). Moon Village Association Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities will convene for its 22nd international meeting Nov 16 online and from Vienna, led by Chair Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, and Vice Chairs Alice Gorman, Rajeswari Pillai Rajagoplan and Timothy Cichan. Up next, ispace Hakuto-R Mission-1 lunar lander is ready for the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch NET Nov 22. South Korea Danuri orbiter should reach its destination to 100-km Moon orbit on December 13. (Image Credits: USA gov, NSC, JHUAPL, MVA, NASA, KARI, ispace)


Nov 14 ISS, ~415-km LEO: Expedition 68 seven-member crew working with fluid dynamics experiment, preparing EMUs for upcoming EVA; transferring cargo from Cygnus NG-18, Progress 81P & 82P.

Nov 14 Tiangong Space Station, ~390-km LEO: Shenzhou 14 three-member crew continuing to monitor Mengtian, expecting Tianzhou-5 cargo transfer, planning to conduct first in-orbit crew rotation in ~3 weeks.


o NewSpace: Skyroot Aerospace preparing for 1st fully commercial launch in India of Vikram rocket / Prarambh mission; Rocket Lab to receive US$14M to produce >80 Lightband Separation Systems, reports Q3 revenue of $63.1M; Astra to work on Rocket 4.0 vehicle development, may lay off 16% of staff.

☆ Solar System: 1/3 size prototype of aerial robotic balloon (aerobot) deigned by JPL to explore Venus atmosphere advanced by 2 test flights over Black Rock Desert in NV; ISRO working towards lunar farside lander / rover mission LUPEX with JAXA; Mars Express sets record by relaying data for 7 international surface missions.

☆ Galaxy: IceCube Neutrino Observatory monitoring high-energy emissions from active galactic nucleus within 47,00,000 LY distant M77 galaxy, 79 neutrinos observed thus far; Chile / Argentina VVV Survey sponsored by ESO suggests MWG Zone of Avoidance obscures 58-galaxy structure; STSci will poll 12,000 astronomers to determine what changes ought to be made to JWST 1-year data embargo.

o Global: JAXA on track for Q1 2023 inaugural launch of H3 rocket following successful 25-second hot fire test of LOX/LH2 LE-5B engine; CNSA announces at Zhuhai airshow that Long March 9 will feature reusable first stage powered by 500 ton-thrust LOX/Kerosene YF-130 engine; 35-member team at SETI Post-Detection Hub headquartered at University of St Andrews in Scotland working to generate ET contact protocol.

USA: First 2 flight-ready BE-4 engines being integrated into ULA Vulcan Centaur first stage; 1 Raptor engine being fabricated by SpaceX per day ahead of Starship / Super Heavy production; Cygnus NG-18 SS Sally Ride solar panel deployment failure being investigated by Northrop Grumman.

● Hawai’i: Set to land on Moon early 2023, ILO-X narrow-field camera winning contest name chosen to be Ka ‘imi, will be detailed at next ILOA Galaxy Forum; Kareem El-Badry (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) utilizes Multi-Object Spectrograph at Gemini North to reveal Gaia BH1, closest black hole at 1,600-LY distance.

= Terrestrial events, and…

o = International terrestrial events in local time.

= Space events, and… = International space / astro events in Hawaii Standard Time unless noted. Add 10 hours to obtain UT (‘Universal Time’).

Weekly Planet Watch Evening Planets: Mars (ENE), Jupiter (SE), Saturn (S), Uranus (E), Neptune (SE).

Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum 28, Hayabusa Symposium 2022, 5th International Symposium on the Peaceful Use of Space Technology

Co-organized by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in Hanoi under theme ‘Bridging Space Innovations Opportunities for Sustainable and Prosperous Future’, APRSAF-28 represents 844 national organizations from 52 countries. Nov 15 & 16 will see updates from various working groups including Space Policy and Law, which will feature panel on Economic Security for Sustainable Space Activities with Moon Village Association VP John Mankins, followed by Space Industrial Workshop. Plenary sessions, co-chaired by (L-R) Pham Anh Tuan (Vietnam National Space Center Director General) and Hara Katsuhiko (Deputy Director General of Research and Development Bureau, Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science) are planned for Nov 17 & 18. Sessions include reports from 18 national member space agencies and a Space Leader’s Roundtable featuring Indonesian Space Agency Executive Director Erna Sri Adiningsih, ISRO Chairman Sreedhara Somanath, and JAXA President Yamakawa Hiroshi. JAXA also hosting Hayabusa Symposium 2022 in Sagamihara, Japan Nov 14-16, in conjunction with the 13th Symposium on Polar Science session on Antarctic meteorites hosted by National Institute of Polar Research Nov 15-18 in Tokyo. Chinese Society of Astronautics, IAF and International Peace Alliance and others hosting 5th International Symposium on the Peaceful Use of Space Technology – Health Nov 18-21 with theme “One Space, One Home”. IPSPACE 2022 to be conducted in 12-track format, with topics including Space Elevators, Space Breeding and Modern Agriculture, Farside Moon Protection, and Commercial Space. (Image Credits: APRSAF, et al)

● Nov 14 — National Space Council, Online / Washington DC: Listening Session Part 1: In-Space Authorization and Supervision Policy: Novel Space Capabilities; 13:00-15:00 EST.

● Nov 14 — National Space Society – Sacramento L5 Chapter, Online / Sacramento CA: NSS Chapters Assembly Meeting; 17:00 PST.

Nov 14 — Wichita State University, Wichita KS and Online: Registration Opens for 2023 Interstellar Seminar ‘LASI 150G’; 1-credit hour seminar begins Jan 18, every Wednesday 14:30-15:20, led by Prof. Mark Schneegurt.

o Nov 14-16 — JAXA, Sagamihara, Japan: Hayabusa 2022 Symposium; discussing 5.4-gram samples from C-type asteroid Ryugu returned to Earth Dec 2020, and ongoing analyses.

☆ Nov 14 — Moon: 4.0° NNE of Beehive Cluster, 19:00.

☆ Nov 14 — Apollo Asteroid 2022 UP2: Near-Earth Flyby (0.027 AU)

☆ Nov 14 — Apollo Asteroid 2022 UH16: Near-Earth Flyby (0.037 AU)

Continued From…

☆ Aug 4 – Dec 16 — Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), Lunar Trajectory: South Korea ‘Danuri’ to search for lunar resources & test technologies; performing 3 highly elliptical Earth orbits to initiate a trans-lunar injection and arrive at 100-km lunar orbit.

● Nov 1-14 — Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, Online / Orlando FL: 2022 ASF Fall Online Auction.


☆ Nov 15 — ISS, U.S. EVA #81, ~405-km LEO: Josh Cassada and Frank Rubio to exit ISS from Quest port, perform ~7-hour spacewalk to install IROSA mounting bracket; live coverage available, starts 08:00 EST.

● Nov 15-16 — Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG), NASA, LPI, USRA, Hybrid / Houston TX and Online: OPAG Meeting; at Lunar and Planetary Institute.

● Nov 15-17 — Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Hybrid / Laurel MD and Online: 3rd Cislunar Security Conference.

o Nov 15-18 — Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, JAXA, Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam: Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-28): Bridging Space Innovations Opportunities for Sustainable and Prosperous Future.

☆ Nov 15 — Aten Asteroid 2019 VL5: Near-Earth Flyby (0.021 AU)


★ Nov 16 — NASA, Launch SLS / Orion / Artemis 1, LC-39B, Kennedy Space Center FL: First test flight of Space Launch System with uncrewed Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle and ESA Service Module; liftoff 01:04 EST (20:04 HST on Nov 15), outbound trajectory correction burn scheduled 08:30, first imagery coverage 10:00 – live coverage available; features configuration for 70-metric-ton lift capacity; Orion to perform circumlunar trajectory during ~25.5 day mission; will carry 10 CubeSats; launch window open until Nov 27.

☆ Nov 16 — Galactic Energy, Launch Ceres-1 Y4 / Jilin-1 Gaofen-03D 08, 51–54, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China: Private space launch company Galactic Energy to launch commercial remote sensing satellite operated by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Corporation to SSO, 15:30 Beijing Time.

Nov 16 — SpaceX, Launch Falcon 9 / Starlink Group 2-4, SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB CA: Falcon 9 to launch next batch of SpaceX internet satellites, 19:22 PST; will attempt to land 1st stage on ‘Of Course I Still Love You’ droneship.

o Nov 16 — Canadian Space Agency, Hybrid / Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada and Online: Artemis 1 Launch Event; starting 12:50 EST; featuring CSA Astronauts David Saint-Jacques, and Project Engineer & Payloads Mission Manager Kumudu Jinadasa.

● Nov 16 — International Lunar Observatory Association, Space Age Publishing Company, Kamuela HI: Galaxy Forum Hawai’i 2022 Kamuela; at Mana Christian ‘Ohana (Kamuela Town Hall), 15:30-17:00.

o Nov 16 — Moon Village Association, Online / Vienna, Austria: Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA) 22nd Meeting; 15:00-17:00 CET.

● Nov 16-18 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington DC: 2022 AIAA Space Autonomy Summit.

o Nov 16-25 — National Space Foundation, NOIRLab, International Dark-Sky Association, AURA, Online / Global: Globe at Night November Campaign; campaign to raise awareness of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure & submit night sky brightness observations (goal 20,000 data points for 2022).

☆ Nov 16 — Moon: At last quarter, 03:28; 4.6° NNE of Regulus, 16:00.

☆ Nov 16 — Apollo Asteroid 2018 WH: Near-Earth Flyby (0.006 AU)

☆ Nov 16 — Apollo Asteroid 2022 UD28: Near-Earth Flyby (0.028 AU)

☆ Nov 16 — Aten Asteroid 2018 WH1: Near-Earth Flyby (0.068 AU)


Nov 17 — ISS, Russian EVA #55, ~405-km LEO: 7-hour Russia spacewalk 55 planned to prepare a radiator on Rassvet module for its transfer to Nauka multipurpose laboratory; live coverage available, starts 09:20 EST.

Nov 17 — SpaceX, Launch Falcon 9 / Eutelsat 10B, SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS FL: Falcon 9 to launch Eutelsat 10B all-electric communications satellite built by Thales Alenia Space, 18:33 EST.

● Nov 17 — Global VSAT Forum, Online: Space Sustainability: Is it Too Late? webinar moderated by Victoria Samson of Secure World Foundation.

☆ Nov 17 — Leonid Shower Peak: Appearing to radiate from constellation Leo, Leonids are associated with the comet Tempel–Tuttle; can produce 10 to 15 meteors per hour.

☆ Nov 17 — Apollo Asteroid 2022 UQ21: Near-Earth Flyby (0.059 AU)


Nov 18 — ISS, ~405-km LEO: Expedition 68 in-flight educational event with Osage Nation School in Pawhuska, Oklahoma and NASA Astronaut Nicole Mann; live coverage available, starts 11:30 EST.

● Nov 18-19 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Laurel MD: AIAA Young Professionals, Students, and Educators (YPSE) Conference.

o Nov 18-21 — Chinese Society of Astronautics, Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, International Peace Alliance, IAA, IAF, SF, ASE, et al, Hybrid / Multiple Locations: 5th International Symposium on the Peaceful Use of Space Technology – Health (IPSPACE 2022): One Space, One Home.

☆ Nov 18 — Apollo Asteroid 2022 US14: Near-Earth Flyby (0.021 AU)

☆ Nov 18 — Apollo Asteroid 2022 QG41: Near-Earth Flyby (0.057 AU)

☆ Nov 18 — Apollo Asteroid 2014 WW4: Near-Earth Flyby (0.081 AU)


☆ Nov 19 — Mercury: At aphelion, 0.4667 AU from Sun, 11:00.


★ Nov 20 — Swift, LEO: Observing gamma-ray bursts & their afterglows in gamma-ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, optical wavelengths from LEO, multiwavelength craft reaches 18 full years / begins 19th year of operations in space today, launched in 2004.

☆ Nov 20 — Moon: 3.8° NNE of Spica, 22:00.

☆ Nov 20 — Mercury: 1.27° SSW of Venus, 19:00.

☆ Nov 20 — Apollo Asteroid 2022 VX: Near-Earth Flyby (0.028 AU)

☆ Nov 20 — Amor Asteroid 2022 UX12: Near-Earth Flyby (0.095 AU)