
March 29 – April 4, 2021 / Vol 40, No 13 / Hawai`i Island, USA

New Horizons Reaching Kuiper Belt Main Outer Edge @50AU, Seeks 2nd Mission Extension

New Horizons, first dedicated Pluto system and Kuiper Belt explorer, is heading toward the next phase in its already extended primary mission, requiring a second extension to realize further KBO and interstellar observations. In its 16th year in space, NH may operate through 2030s, sending valuable data from the Solar System ‘3rd Zone’ which stretches from 30-50 AU and contains millions of objects including 35,000+ larger than 100 km. NH team is using time on Subaru Telescope to locate suitable candidates to possibly perform another KBO flyby and conduct distant observations of nearly 2 dozen unique KBOs, after flying by Pluto at 12,500 km / Charon at 28,800 km in 2015, and Arrokoth at 3,500 km in 2019. Overlapping the KB main outer edge at 50 AU is a second region called the scattered disk, which continues to nearly 1,000 AU. Currently at 49.80 AU with one-way light time of 6 hrs 56 mins, NH is set to become the 5th interstellar-destined craft when it reaches interstellar space ~122 AU. It is expected to be traveling at ~13 km/s when it crosses 100 AU in 2038. Breakthrough Starshot StarChip nanocraft fitted with light sails are planned to travel at 20% the speed of light (0.2 c) taking only 20 years to reach Alpha Centauri at 4.37 LY. (Image Credits: NASA, JHUAPL, SwRI)


Mar 29 — ISS, ~405-km LEO: Seven members of Expedition 64 readying for arrival of 3 additional crew and relocation of Dragon 2 to Node 2 Zenith next week, observing plasma dust crystals, routing new ethernet cables in Unity module, working with white blood cell operations and analysis.

Mar 29 NewSpace: Maritime Launch Services has 6 months to begin building Nova Scotia spaceport; NASA launching space station Commercial LEO Development program, 2-4 awards totaling US$300-400M anticipated; Bluestaq to expand cloud-based space object resource Unified Data Library with $280M USSF contract.

Mar 29 — Solar System: Remnants of Proto-Moon impactor Theia may lie under Pacific Ocean and West Africa; ALMA analysis of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Jupiter impact measures stratospheric wind speeds of 1,450 kmh; ESA Lunar Pathfinder to test novel radio transmission technique in 2023.

Mar 29 — Galaxy: ‘Oumuamua is ‘cookie shaped’ and propelled by nitrogen ice sublimation, says new study; NASA sonification series continues with sounds of Chandra Deep Field, Cat’s Eye Nebula, Messier 51; Hyades star cluster being affected by gravity of massive hidden structure per GAIA observation.

Mar 29 — Global: Indonesian Space Agency LAPAN seeking international partners for proposed spaceport in Papua; ISRO makes progress on Satellite-Based Quantum Communication with 300m ground test; JAXA / Mitsubishi H3 Launch Vehicle on track for 2021 debut after clearing thermal tests.

Mar 29 — USA: SpaceX and USA government agree on evasive action plan to avoid orbital collisions; 16 pieces of disintegrated NOAA weather satellite being tracked by USSF; 5 companies competing for 2 lunar surface vertical solar array design NASA contracts worth US$7.5M/ea.

Mar 29 — Hawai’i: New polarized version of Powehi M87 image shows magnetic fields emanating; NASA Infrared Telescope Director John Rayner discusses NEO monitoring from Mauna Kea; HI-SEAS Valoria 2 mission on Mauna Loa latest reports now available, website update includes application for next missions.

= All times

for terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for international terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for space events, and…

= All times for international space / astro events in Hawaii Standard Time unless noted. Add 10 hours to obtain UT (‘Universal Time’).

Weekly Planet Watch Evening Planets: Mars (W), Uranus (W); Morning Planets: Jupiter (ESE), Saturn (ESE).

Australian Space Forum Places Spotlight on National Ambitions, Industry and Science

Now hosted by the new Andy Thomas Space Foundation (ATSF), in partnership with the Australian Space Agency (ASA), South Australian Space Industry Centre and SmartSat CRC, the 11th bi-annual Australian Space Forum is set to meet in-person at Adelaide Convention Centre and virtually March 31. Funded by the South Australian Government, guided by motto ‘Quod Invenias Explorans Spatium Progressus Est Humanitatis’ (Human Progress Is In Space Exploration) ATSF was founded by Australian / American Astronaut (T) Andrew Thomas (spouse of Shannon Walker, currently in space serving as crewmember of ISS Expedition 64) and first Head of ASA, (B) Megan Clark. Organizational objectives include Advancing Space Education, Raising Space Awareness and Contributing to the National Space Community. The Forum will consist of 4 panels: National Space Landscape, featuring current ASA Head Enrico Palermo and Geoscience Australia CEO James Johnson; Education & Outreach with keynote from Amanda Caples, lead scientist for the US$1.5B Breakthrough Victoria Fund; Quantum Engineering / Communication R&D with keynote from University of New South Wales Professor Andrea Morello; and Advanced Manufacturing R&D, focusing on 3D printing, extraterrestrial mining and ISRU. Adelaide was the site of 2017 IAC (catalyzing ASA formation) due to efforts of Space Lawyer Michael Davis, CEO of ATSF, who is spearheading a 2024 bid, competing against Budapest and Milan for the coveted hosting role. (Image Credits: ASA, Adelaide Convention Center, ATSF)

Mar 29 – Apr 2 — Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech, Online / Pasadena CA: Virtual Workshop: Revolutionizing Access to the Martian Surface; to study how to substantially reduce cost associated with landed missions to Mars by novel system designs.

Mar 29 — Moon: 5.9° NNE of Spica, 11:00; at perigee (distance 360,302 km), 20:16.

Mar 29 — Mercury: 1.28° SE of Neptune, 18:00.

Continued From…
NET Early 2021 — ISRO, Launch SSLV / Demonstration Launch, Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota, India: New Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) to launch on first orbital test flight.

NET Mar — International Astronautical Federation, Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC), Online: IAC 2021 Press Conference; providing updates for 72nd IAC being held Oct 25-29.

Mar 15 – Apr 15 — W. M. Keck Observatory, CFHT, Kamuela HI: 2021 Waimea Solar System Walk.

Mar 22 – Apr 1 — International Astronautical Federation, Online / Paris, France: IAF Spring Meetings 2021.


Mar 30 — AIAA, Online / Reston VA: Due Date: ASCEND Call for Papers and Sessions.

Mar 30 – Apr 1 — European Space Agency, Online / Noordwijk, The Netherlands: Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes (SESP 2021).


Mar 31 — European Space Agency, Online / Europe: ESA accepts astronaut applications starting today.

Mar 31 — Andy Thomas Space Foundation, Adelaide, Australia: 11th Australian Space Forum; at Adelaide Convention Centre, featuring Australian Space Agency Head Enrico Palermo.

Mar 31 — National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Online / Washington DC: Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 – Panel on Small Solar System Bodies Meeting #9.

Mar 31 — Apollo Asteroid 2021 FD1: Near-Earth Flyby (0.025 AU)

Mar 31 — Apollo 2019 GM1: Near-Earth Flyby (0.039 AU)


NET Apr — New Horizons, Kuiper Belt Object Trajectory: Spacecraft extended mission funding ends this month after reaching Pluto, Charon and KBO Arrokoth; future trajectory / plans to be determined; expected to operate until at least mid-2030s.

NET Apr — CNSA, Launch Long March 5 / Tianhe-1 Core Module for China Space Station, Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Center, Hainan Island, China (19° N): Tianhe-1 (Harmony of the Heavens) core module for China Space Station to launch to LEO on Long March 5; station to orbit between 350 – 450 km, accommodate 3 crew members for 6 month stays, expected to operate until at least 2032.

NET Apr — Canadian Space Agency, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada: Women in Space 2021.

NET Apr — Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), Guizhou, China: International applications for international scientific community participation in FAST to be reviewed starting this month, becoming effective in August 2021.

Apr 1 — Deep Space: Newest study of Voyager 2 data aiding understanding / mapping of bubble-like heliosheath around Solar System, confirming its entrance into Interstellar medium (5 Nov 2018) at 119.7 AU, with Voyager 1 passing at 122.6 AU.

Apr 1 — AIAA San Francisco Section, Online / San Francisco CA: Virtual Dinner Meeting: The Space Show; interviewing Dr. David Livingston.

Apr 1 — National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Online / Washington DC: Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 State of the Profession Writing Group Meeting #5.

Apr 1-2 — eTutorSA, The European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO Romania), Johannesburg, South Africa and Online: Space Exploration & Literacy in the Curriculum Conference (Bringing Space to the classroom as a gateway to STEM).

Apr 1 — Moon: 4.8° NNE of Antares, 14:00.


Apr 2 — NASA, Online / Washington DC: Selections to be chosen for CubeSat Launch Initiative.

Apr 2 — Apollo Asteroid 2021 FT: Near-Earth Flyby (0.011 AU)


Apr 3 — 55th Observation of Luna 10, Russia / Worldwide: Planning for Luna program continuance this year with launch of Luna-25 lander to Boguslavsky Crater in October, today Russia celebrates USSR Luna 10 success of placing first ever satellite in Moon orbit in 1966.


Apr 4 — Moon: At last quarter, 00:03.