
January 20-26, 2020 / Vol 39, No 3 / Hawai`i Island, USA

USA Campaign 2020: Multipartisan Space Future an Earth-Moon Development

Continuity for cis-lunar development will require Democrat leadership buy-in. Jan 20 marks 1-year from the next USA presidential Inauguration Day, as well as Moonwalker Buzz Aldrin 90th birthday. A change in administration may necessitate a balanced approach to maintain national interest, support and funding for the space program. An emphasis on terrestrial benefits (ecological, economic, social) of space activity may assist in maintaining mission commitment for Artemis – lynchpin to reaching Jupiter, Mars, Ad Astra ‘to the Stars’. Long term Earth observation will be critical to mitigation of human caused climate change and other environmental concerns – communication of this interplay between space technology and conservation to the public is vital. NASA administrator Bridenstine pledge to send “the first woman and the next man” to Earth’s Moon is of similar importance, as values of diversity, equality and inclusiveness manifest. Space exploration could also be seen as the ultimate Green New Deal infrastructure project, not without historical precedent: former VP Biden has stated about his parties’ involvement in the Apollo program, “the objective was not just to go to the Moon… it was to get another 435,000 engineers and scientists and mathematicians.” JFK said, “space achievement… in many ways may hold the key to our future on Earth.” The unifying theme of In Peace For All is perhaps more timely than ever – a pact to keep war off Luna, as nations have done on Antarctica, would resonate. (Image Credits: NASA)


Jan 20 — ISS, 405-km LEO: Today Expedition 61 members Koch & Meir will complete work during USA EVA #63 bringing total ISS EVA count to 226 since 1998; AMS final repair by Morgan and Parmitano set for Saturday; crew Skvortsov, Koch, Parmitano prepare for return to Earth in less than 2 weeks.

Jan 20 — NewSpace: Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser on track for cargo flight in 2021 and crewed flight in 5 years; Dynetics partnering with SN for human lunar lander; Virgin Galactic to re-open ticket sales, aiming to begin passenger flights in 2020.

Jan 20 — Solar System: China releases 20.9GB of Chang’e-4 mission data from 12 lunar days; Virtual Telescope Project finds 2020 AV2 first asteroid found to orbit entirely within orbit of Venus; satellite data refines understanding of solar storm drivers / advances space weather prediction.

Jan 20 — Galaxy: ALMA and Rosetta search for phosphorus in galaxy; Keck Observatory helps discover G Objects and track orbits near Milky Way center; Subaru Hyper Subprime-Cam searches for primordial black holes; researchers find evidence of 2nd exoplanet in Proxima Centauri.

Jan 20 — Global: 11-month training program for 4 ISRO Gaganyaan male astronaut candidates to begin in Russia; UK-Netherlands plant-powered Plant-e sensor successfully sends signal to satellite; Joel Joseph Marciano Jr. appointed first head of Philippine Space Agency.

Jan 20 — USA: Space Launch System core stage arrives at Stennis Space Center after barge voyage; Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover tested at Glenn Research Center; Boeing Starliner capsule returns to KSC for tests.

Jan 20 — Hawai’i: Keck contributes to discovery of exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars; CFHT helps discover hydrogen ring around galaxy AGC 203001; Gemini North pinpoints location of fast radio burst; Hawaii Big Telescope construction moratorium continues, as does advocacy for making project Hawaiian in name.

Jan 20 — SpaceX, Launch Falcon 9 / Starlink 3, LC-40, Cape Canaveral AFS FL: Launch of fourth batch of ~60 satellites for SpaceX Starlink broadband network;12:20 EST

= All times

for terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for international terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for space events, and…

= All times for international space / astro events in Hawaii Standard Time unless noted. Add 10 hours to obtain UT (‘Universal Time’).

Weekly Planet Watch Evening Planets: Venus (SW), Mars (SE), Jupiter (SE), Uranus (SW), Neptune (SW).

India Joint Symposium On Human Spaceflight Opens In Bengaluru

The Indian Space Research Organization, along with the International Academy of Astronautics and the Astronautical Society of India, host the first IAA-ISRO-ASI Joint Symposium on Human Spaceflight Program in Bengaluru January 22-24. Space experts from many nations will gather to discuss present challenges and future trends in human spaceflight. On Jan 22, after opening ceremonies, a Heads of Space Agencies panel will include (L to R) K. Sivan of ISRO, Sergei Krikalev Director of Manned Spaceflight for Roscosmos, and Joel Montalbano, Deputy ISS Program Manager. On Jan 23 Sergei Krikalev will be part of an astronaut panel including Jean-Francois Clervoy of France, Thomas Reiter of ESA, Joel Montalbano and possibly others. With Chandrayaan-2 successfully in lunar orbit, and the Vikram lander impacting the surface, ISRO is proceeding at full speed with Chandrayaan-3. The new lander and rover, planned for Nov 2020 launch, will use Chandrayaan-2 as a communications relay. As the orbiter is in polar orbit, Chandrayaan-3 is expected to land in the south polar region. Sini Susan Varghese (R) talks about benefits of the Gaganyaan crewed mission. P. Sreekumar (R) is outgoing head of ISRO Space Science Program Office. Four India astronaut candidates are undergoing training with Roscosmos in Russia. K. Sivan announces that Gaganyaan will be followed by an Indian space station. ISRO has also been in talks with JAXA to cooperate on a Lunar Polar Exploration Mission in 2024. (Image Credits: ISRO, NASA, ESA, India Institute Technology)

Jan 20 — Observation of Buzz Aldrin 90th Birthday, Nationwide USA: Moonworker, Apollo 11 hero Buzz Aldrin celebrates 90th birthday today / enters 91st year and 10th decade while USA Artemis / International Human Moon Landings are on the horizon once again.

Jan 20 — USA Current Administration Begins 4th Year in Office, Washington DC / Nationwide: Current Administration begins its 4th year in office – continues goals of 2024 Artemis Human Moon Landing, First Women and Men to Moon South Pole and advancing Space Policies Directives.

Jan 20-22 — Royal Society, London, United Kingdom: Ice Giant Systems 2020 Workshop; at Burlington House.

Jan 20-22 — University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom: Workshop: New Star Formation Across the Universe.

Jan 20-24 — Indian Institute of Technology – Indore, Indore, India: International Conference: Observing The First Billion Years of the Universe Using Next Generation Telescopes.

Jan 20 — Moon: 7.0° NNE of Antares, 08:00; n 2.21° NNE of Mars, 11:00.

Jan 20 — Apollo Asteroid 2020 AQ1: Near-Earth Flyby (0.026 AU)

Jan 20 — Apollo Asteroid 2013 DU: Near-Earth Flyby (0.038 AU)

Continued from…

Jan 13 – Feb 14 — International Space University, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia: Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program 2020; live-in experience built around an International, Intercultural and Interdisciplinary (3 “I”s) educational philosophy.

Jan 18-31 — ESA / ILEWG, PISCES, International MoonBase Alliance, 2,500 meters, Mauna Loa HI: 3rd EuroMoonMars Mission (EMMIHS-III) in HI-SEAS Habitat for simulated Moon-Mars mission with 6-member crew.

Jan 19-22 — Pacific Telecommunications Council, Honolulu HI: PTC’20: 2020 Vision and Beyond; Pacific Rim premier telecommunications event.

Jan 19-24 — Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Galveston TX: GRC Origins of Life – Challenging the Perceptions of the Requirements for Life on Earth and Other Worlds.


Jan 21 — British Interplanetary Society, London, United Kingdom: Lecture: Exploring Titan with Cassini/Huygens and Dragonfly; by Ralph Lorenz, Engineer for the European Space Agency Huygens probe to Titan; 19:00.

Jan 21-22 — European Parliament, ESA, Eurospace, Brussels, Belgium: 12th European Space Conference; platform discussing future of European space policy; at Egmont Palace.


Jan 22 — Foothill College, Los Altos Hills CA: Astronomy Talk: What Does a Black Hole Look Like: How We Got our First Picture; by Eliot Quataert from UC Berkeley, 19:00.

Jan 22-24 — International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), ISRO, Astronautical Society of India (ASI), Bengaluru, India: IAA-ISRO-ASI Symposium: Human Spaceflight and Exploration: Present Challenges and Future Trends.

Jan 22 — Moon: 0.39° SE of Jupiter, 17:00.


Jan 23, 24 — JPL, Caltech, NASA, Pasadena CA: The von Kármán Lecture Series 202: Spitzer – Final Voyage; featuring Brian White, Varoujan Gorjian, Robert Hurt, Suzanne Dodd, Joseph Hunt.

Jan 23-24 — Arizona State University, Tempe AZ: Workshop: Remnants of the Big Bang.

Jan 23-24 — National Science Foundation AAAC, Alexandria VA: Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee (AAAC) Meeting.

Jan 23 — Moon: 1.47° SE of Saturn, 17:00.


Jan 24 — Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Quanah TX: Starrytelling; at Copper Breaks State Park, taking a closer look at some of the constellations, what they mean to us and the stories behind them.

Jan 24 — Moon: New Moon, 11:43.


Jan 25 — International Space Station, USA EVA #64, 405-km LEO: NASA Astronaut Andrew Morgan and Space Station Commander Luca Parmitano of ESA to finish installing new AMS cooling apparatus and lines; live coverage available.

Jan 25 — Lunar New Year, China (Zhongguo) / Worldwide: Lunar New Year 2020 Spring Festival marks the Year of the Rat.

Jan 25 — Moon: 1.33° SE of Mercury, 10:00.

Jan 25 — Comet P/2002 S7 (SOHO): At perihelion, Near-Earth Flyby (0.049 AU)

Jan 25 — Aten Asteroid 2020 AK3: Near-Earth Flyby (0.022 AU


Jan 26 — JAXA, Launch H-2A / IGS Optical 7, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan: H-2A rocket to launch Information Gathering Satellite with an optical reconnaissance payload for Japan government.