September 16-22, 2019 / Vol 38, No 37 / Hawai’i Island, USA

Europe Events Advance Astronomy, Astronautics, Space Industry, Education, Science – Toward Moon South Pole 2021 Mission?

More than a dozen meetings this week highlight the breadth of ongoing Europe space activity. The European Planetary Sciences Congress continues in Geneva, Switzerland from September 15-20 – as does 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference in Vienna, Austria with ~500 attendees from 25 countries. Launchspace ‘Space Mechanisms Course’ is being held Sep 16-17 in Munich, Germany before ‘European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium’ Sep 18-20. The ESO-IAU ‘AstroEdu Conference’ Sep 16-18 in Garching, Germany aims to bridge research and practice in astronomy education. European Space Policy Institute holds 13th European Space Diplomacy on Sep 18-19 in Vienna. There is also an International Conference on Geomagnetic Storms and Space Weather in Paris, an Open House at Royal Astronomical Society in London, and a lecture on Dark Energy in Salisbury, United Kingdom. The 2019 European Rover Challenge in Poland, and ‘Extremely Big Eyes on the Early Universe 3’ in Rome just completed last week. With numerous impactful organizations, including ESA, International Astronautical Federation, Moon Village Association, ILEWG and International Lunar Decade – there is potential to realize Europe at Moon South Pole 2021. Planning to support USA Artemis program to land the first people at Moon South Pole by 2024 and contribute to a cislunar gateway, Europe could also declare its own regional / international accelerated program to reach Moon South Pole, perhaps specifically the desirable locations at Malapert Mountain or Shackleton Rim ‘Peaks of Eternal Light’. (Image Credits: (ESA / RegoLight / Liquifer Systems Group, JAXA, NASA, IAF, MVA, ILD, ILEWG)


Sep 16 — ISS, 405-km LEO: Six members of Expedition 60 preparing for 3 additional crew arriving next week and potential EVA at end of month, working with experiments involving palm tree seeds, cell biology, radiation detection, rodent research, virtual reality, food acceptability and nutrition; HTV-8 cargo launch postponed.

Sep 16 — NewSpace: Zhongguo LandSpace inviting international payloads for launch of ZQ 2 booster by 2021; SpaceX files applications and prepares for 22-km altitude Starship test flights NET Oct; Japan ALE (Astro Live Experiences) raises US$11M, planning spring 2020 human-made meteor shower.

Sep 16 — Solar System: Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander located on lunar surface; Computer models suggest that Titan lakes are explosion craters; Australia meteorite found to contain mineral that does not occur naturally on Earth.

Sep 16 — Galaxy: Hubble Space Telescope observes star clusters in Large Magellanic Cloud, and finds signs of water vapor in exoplanet K2-18b; astronomers make new observations of giant bubbles near Milky Way center; FAST radio telescope observes burst FRB 121102.

Sep 16 — Global: Zhongguo Long March 5 planned to launch this year; Ariane Group and CNES start ArianeWorks platform for developing new boosters; Japan teaming up with India to send lander and rover to lunar South Pole in 2023; Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter now planned for 2022.

Sep 16 — USA: Mobile platform for Space Launch System returns to Launch Complex 39B at KSC for tests; Blue Origin modifying KSC Launch Complex 36 for New Glenn launches; Gateway Foundation of California advocates for wheel-shaped Von Braun Space Station.

Sep 16 — Hawai’i: Manale Observatory project proposed for Lānaʻi; UH Manoa researchers invent new theory about black holes; making Hawai’ian the Maunakea Big Telescope and Observatories may provide way forward for Hawaii 21st Century success; Keck Telescope data indicates star PG 1610+62 was ejected from galactic disk.

Sep 16 — The Berkeley Forum, Pasadena CA: Short Course: Approaching the Event Horizon – Black Holes and Their Effect on the Universe; by Jill Tarter of SETI Institute.

Sep 16 — Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech, Berkeley CA: Lecture: Astronomer and Pioneer for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

= All times

for terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for international terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for space events, and…

= All times for international space / astro events in Hawaii Standard Time unless noted. Add 10 hours to obtain UT (‘Universal Time’).

Weekly Planet Watch Evening Planets: Jupiter (SW), Saturn (S); Morning Planets: Uranus (E), Neptune (SE).

Canadian Space Agency Gears Up for Fall Industry Days 2019, and 2020 Events

Canada wants the world to know that it is open to the business of space and Moon exploration: CSA hosts its second annual space industry trade show at its headquarters in Longueuil, Quebec, September 16-17. Day one will feature a Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP) Community Session and presentations by Japan company ispace, that “intends to build … a rover and a lander, in order to enable the commercial exploration of the lunar surface” and has signed on with SpaceX for a 2021 launch to the Moon. On day two of the conference CSA will meet and greet with Astrobotic, which plans to launch its lunar lander, Peregrine, on ULA Vulcan rocket NET July 2021. Notably absent will be updates on Canada robotic contributions to the international Lunar Gateway – MDA recently won a US$7M award to construct Canadarm3, a 20-meter robotic arm to be used on the Gateway. Canada has a long history of international space cooperation, as the only non-European cooperating member in ESA and one of five space agencies that partnered to build and maintain ISS. CSA International Industry Days will be held October 17 – 18, where representatives of Brazil and Germany space agencies and enterprises will meet. Investment Space 2020 will be held in February, focusing on funding Canada space startups. (Also Pictured: Jenni Sidey (L), David Saint-Jacques (C), Julie Payette (R), Image Credits: CSA, ispace, Astrobotic)

Sep 16-17 — Launchspace, Munich, Germany: Space Mechanisms Course; during The European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium (ESMATS 2019).

Sep 16-18 — European Southern Observatory, International Astronomical Union, Garching, Germany: AstroEdu Conference; bridging research and practice in astronomy education.

Sep 16-20 — Canadian Space Agency, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada: CSA 2019 Fall Industry Days; Japan ispace, Astrobotic and CSA Lunar Gateway Program will make presentations and discuss potential commercial partnerships.

Sep 16 — Apollo Asteroid 2019 RC: Near-Earth Flyby (0.045 AU)

Sep 16 — Apollo Asteroid 2018 FU1: Near-Earth Flyby (0.047 AU)

Continued from…

Jan 2019 – Sep 2020 — New Horizons, Kuiper Belt: Full data from spacecraft 7 instruments during KBO Ultima Thule flyby to be transmitted to Earth over this time period.

NET Aug – Nov — Hayabusa2, Asteroid 162173 Ryugu: JAXA Hayabusa2 with 2 sample returns planned to remain at Asteroid for observations during this time period, then return to Earth.

Sep 15-20 — EPS, Europlanet Society, Geneva, Switzerland: European Planetary Sciences (EPS) Congress Division for Planetary Sciences Joint Meeting 2019.

Sep 15-20 — University of Vienna, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society, Vienna, Austria: 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference; expecting ~500 people representing 25 countries.


Sep 17 — Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Circumlunar Polar Orbit: LRO scheduled to overfly and photograph site of Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander.

Sep 17 — Institute of Physics (IOP), Sarum College, Salisbury, United Kingdom: Lecture: Dark Energy; by Prof. Nick Evans from Southampton University, 19:00-21:00.

Sep 17 — Moon: 4.2° SSE of Uranus, 14:00.


Sep 18 — University of Arizona, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Tucson AZ: Lecture: The Geological History of the Moon from the Perspective of Unopened Apollo Samples; by Dr. Jessica Barnes, Assistant Professor at LPL, 19:00; discussing importance of maximizing the science derived from samples returned by the Apollo Program in preparation for future lunar missions in the 2020s and beyond.

Sep 18-19 — European Space Policy Institute, ESA, FFG, et al, Vienna, Austria: 13th ESPI Autumn Conference – European Space Diplomacy.

Sep 18-20 — ESA, OHB, Munich, Germany: The European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium (ESMATS 2019).

Sep 18-20 — Maui Economic Development Board, Wailea HI: Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS) 2019.


Sep 19, 20 — Caltech, NASA, JPL, Pasadena CA: 2019 von Kármán Lecture Series: It Broke! A Story of How we Fixed It; by Dr. Marc Rayman, Mission Director / Chief Engineer / Project Manager for Deep Space 1.

Sep 19-20 — UCLA Physics & Astronomy, W.M. Keck Observatory, Los Angeles CA: Keck Science Meeting 2019.

Sep 19-20 — World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, Paris, France: International Conference on Geomagnetic Storms and Space Weather (ICGSSW 2019).

Sep 19-20 — Secure World Foundation, Government of Bermuda, Hamilton, Bermuda: 1st Bermuda Space Sustainability Workshop.

Sep 19-21 — Giant Magellan Telescope Organization, Carlsbad CA: 7th Annual Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) Community Science Meeting: The Cosmic Baryon Cycle – Impact on Galaxy Evolution.

Sep 19 — Moon: 7.6° SSE of Pleiades, 13:00.


Sep 20 — ESA, Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK Research and Innovation, Daresbury, United Kingdom: Program: Utilise the Power of Space to Transform your Business on Earth.

Sep 20 — Moon: 2.59° N of Aldebaran, 06:00.

Sep 20 — Amor Asteroid 2019 RP2: Near-Earth Flyby (0.022 AU)

Sep 20 — Aten Asteroid 297418 (2000 SP43): Near-Earth Flyby (0.068 AU)

Sep 20 — Aten Asteroid 2015 SD: Near-Earth Flyby (0.081 AU)


Sep 21 — MAVEN, Mars Orbit: NASA Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft reaches 5 full years / enters 6th year of operations in Mars orbit after insertion on this day 2014; continuing to study upper atmosphere.

Sep 21 — Royal Astronomical Society, London, United Kingdom: Open House at the Royal Astronomical Society 2019.

Sep 21 — ESA, London, United Kingdom: Event: Space Rocks; music / culture / space festival, featuring Astronaut Time Peake.

Sep 21-22 — Purdue University – School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, West Lafayette IN: Amelia Earhart Aerospace Summit; including Panel on Careers in Space Exploration, Panel on Careers in Aviation, Professional Development Workshops, Research Art Competition, Research Poster Competition.

Sep 21 — Moon: At last quarter, 14:42.

Sep 21 — Apollo Asteroid 2017 SL16: Near-Earth Flyby (0.020 AU)

Sep 21 — Apollo Asteroid 2019 RB3: Near-Earth Flyby (0.049 AU)

Sep 21 — Apollo Asteroid 2019 RE2: Near-Earth Flyby (0.050 AU)


Sep 22-25 — Geological Society of America (GSA), Phoenix AZ: 2019 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting.

Sep 22 — September Equinox: The Sun rises exactly in east traveling through sky for 12 hours, sets exactly in west; day and night are approximately equal duration every place on Earth; 21:51.

Sep 22 — Apollo Asteroid 2019 QZ1: Near-Earth Flyby (0.031 AU)