
May 2-8, 2011 / Vol 30, No 18 / Hawai`i Island, USA

Reinventing Space 2011 Conference to Focus on Affordable Space Missions, NewSpace / International Cooperation

Space leaders will converge at the 9th Reinventing Space Conference 2011 (RS2011), held on May 2-5 at the LAX Westin Hotel in Los Angeles CA. Sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Space Systems Technical Committee, the event formerly known as ‘Responsive Space,’ will emphasize the importance of ‘reinventing’ new methods and techniques to create affordable space missions for the USA. There will be 6 sessions covering technology, mission and system engineering, education and launches as well as mission applications. Speakers include NASA Chief Technologist Bobby Braun (LC) and Orbital Sciences Corporation CEO David Thompson. Following RS2011, NASA and AIAA will host a Town Hall Dinner for senior-level management on May 5. JPL Director Charles Elachi (TL) will discuss ‘The Renaissance of Space Technology,’ which will focus on collaborations with NewSpace companies, the international space community, and the new role of NASA. Other speakers will include Ames Director Pete Worden (BL), AIAA Executive Director Bob Dickman and Bobby Braun. (Credit: NASA, AIAA, SpaceX)

Astronomy Day, Southern Hemisphere Observatory Events Highlight Future of Astronomy

‘International Astronomy Day 2011’ is on May 7. Local astronomical societies, planetariums, museums, and observatories in over 14 USA states and Vancouver, BC, Canada will be sponsoring public viewing sessions, presentations, workshops, and other activities to increase public awareness about astronomy and the amazing universe. 2 cutting edge southern hemisphere observatories are also featured in events this week. Rob Hollow of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) is giving a public lecture on the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project and the science that it hopes to deliver on May 5 in Acton Australia. He will also discuss CSIRO’s Australian Pathfinder telescope (ASKAP), a SKA demonstrator instrument currently being constructed in Western Australia. The Australian Government has already committed US$120M to ASKAP, which will comprise up to 36 12-meter antennas. The Pathfinder telescope will be able to detect hundreds of times more galaxies than previous radio telescopes and also help us understand the structure and development of the Milky Way Galaxy. The University of Iowa is hosting an event to help spur the development of a Midwestern USA user consortium for the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) on May 8-10. (Credit: CSIRO, ASKAP, The Astronomical League)

= All times for terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for international terrestrial events in local time unless noted.

= All times for space events, and…

= All times for international space / astro events in Hawaii Standard Time unless noted. Add 10 hours to obtain UT (‘Universal Time;’ Greenwich, England).

Weekly Planet Watch – Morning Planets: Mercury (E), Venus (E), Mars (E), Jupiter (E) / Evening Planets: Saturn (SE).


May 2 — International Space Station, LEO: E-27 crew members continue to unload 2.5 tons of scientific equipment, fuel and food supplies from the Progress cargo spacecraft while waiting for the arrival of the STS-134 crew.

May 2 — NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Orbit: LRO continues to function nominally in scientific phase; Project Moon Zoo makes over 2 million classifications from LRO data which covers 120,010 square km of lunar area.

May 2 — Mars Rovers Spirit & Opportunity, Red Planet: NASA rover Spirit remains silent at Troy while Opportunity continues trek to Endeavour Crater.

May 2 — NASA Lunar Science Institute, Moffett Field CA; Online: Deadline to submit abstracts for ‘4th Annual NASA Lunar Science Forum.’

May 2 — Space Resources Roundtable, NORCAT, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Deadline to register for ‘2nd Annual Joint Planetary and Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium and Space Resources Roundtable,’ held Jun 19-22.

May 2-5 — Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD: 2011 May Symposium: Dark Matter.’

May 2-6 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Space Systems Technical Committee, et al, Los Angeles CA: Reinventing Space Conference 2011.’

May 2-7 — Virtual Roentgen and Gamma Observatory, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine: ‘18th Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics.’

May 2Moon: New Moon (Beginning of Lunation 1093); 20:50.

May 2Asteroid 2009 UK20: Near-Earth Flyby (0.022 AU).

Continued from . . .

May 1NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, Exoplanet Exploration Program, Flagstaff AZ: Exploring Strange New Worlds: From Giant Planets to Super Earths;’ through May 6.


May 3 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stevens Institute of Technology’s School of Systems and Enterprises, Webinar: Free Webinar: Introduction to a Graduate Certificate Program In Space Systems Engineering.’


May 4 — The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘Tracking and Mitigating Meteoroid Threats to Spacecraft,’ Sigrid Close.

May 4 — NASA Headquarters, Washington DC: News conference to discuss science results and legacy of the Gravity Probe B mission at 13:00 EDT.

May 4 — General Dynamics Information Technology, Atlanta GA: Abstracts due for ‘2011 Commercial and Government Responsive Access to Space Technology Exchange,’ held Oct 24-27.

May 4 — US Postal Service, NASA, Cape Canaveral FL: US Postal Service stamp dedication honoring astronaut Alan Shepard as well as the NASA Messenger spacecraft currently orbiting Mercury.

May 4-6 — ESA, European Science Foundation, et al , Pisa, Italy: ‘Meeting: Solar System Science Before and After Gaia.’

May 4Moon: 2.2° SSE of Pleiades; 09:00.


May 5 — NASA, Nationwide: 50th Commemoration of Freedom 7 Launch with 1st US Human in Space Alan Shepard.

May 5 — National Space Club, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, NASA, Los Angeles CA: NASA Town Hall Meeting: The Renaissance of Space 2011,’ featuring JPL Director Charles Elachi, Ames Research Center Director Pete Worden, NASA Chief Technologist Bobby Braun and AIAA Executive Director Bob Dickman.

May 5 — Space Adventures, Telecon: Eric Anderson and Richard Garriott of Space Adventures to discuss future of private exploration and announce new developments with the company’s circumlunar mission.

May 5 — The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Acton, Canberra, Australia: ‘The Square Kilometer Array (SKA): The World’s Largest Radio Telescope,’ Rob Hollow.

May 5-6 — The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Sydney, Australia: ‘Australian ALMA Community Workshop.’

May 5 — Cassini OTM-283, Saturn Orbit: Spacecraft conducts Orbital Trim Maneuver #283 today.

May 5Moon: 6.7° N of Aldebaran; 04:00.


May 6 — Space Day 2011, Worldwide: An annual event held the 1st Friday of May to celebrate and promote science and technology education.

NET May 6 — ULA, Launch Atlas 5 / SBIRS GEO 1, Cape Canaveral FL: ULA Atlas 5 rocket set to launch US DoD 1st Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous satellite (SBIRS GEO 1) for missile early warning detection.

May 6 — The Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Foundation, Houston TX:25th Anniversary Gala,’ honoring Space Shuttle astronaut Kevin Chilton with the 2011 National Space Trophy.

May 6 — Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, Cape Canaveral FL:2011 US Astronaut Hall of Fame Induction Gala,’ with Karol Bobko and Susan Helms of USAF.

May 6 — Space Resources Roundtable, NORCAT, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Online: Abstract submission and scholarship application deadline for ‘2nd Annual Joint Planetary and Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium and Space Resources Roundtable,’ on Jun 19-22.

May 6 — Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak: Radiating from the constellation Aquarius, each Eta Aquarid meteoroid is a piece of Halley’s Comet entering into the atmosphere; Shower emits 10 to 40 meteors just before dawn.

May 6Asteroid 149244 Kriegh: Closest Approach to Earth (0.942 AU).

May 6Asteroid 2010 KX7: Near-Earth Flyby (0.071 AU).


May 7 — The Astronomical League, Worldwide:International Astronomy Day 2011,’ local astronomical societies, planetariums, museums, and observatories will be sponsoring public viewing sessions, presentations, workshops, and other activities to increase public awareness about astronomy and our wonderful universe.

May 7 — Lockheed Martin, National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC:Lockheed Martin Space Day: A Celebration of 50 Years in Human Spaceflight.’

May 7Mercury: 1.4° SSE of Venus; 19:00.


May 8-10 — SmarterShows, Los Angeles CA:Spacecraft Technology Expo 2012: Design, Build, Test.’

May 8-10 — National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Iowa City IA:Midwest ALMA Workshop 2011.’

May 8Moon: 9.2° SSW of Pollux; 11:00.

May 8Asteroid 2011 FQ29: Near-Earth Flyby (0.054 AU).