Articles by: SPC

June 28-July 4, 2010 / Vol 29, No 26

Upcoming Fleet of Landers Turns International Attention to Lunar Property Rights Issues

Both China (BL) and India-Russia have confirmed plans to place robotic landers on the Moon around 2013. 21 teams competing for the Google Lunar X Prize along with the International Lunar Observatory (BR) are also striving to achieve this feat by the 2014 contest deadline. With humanity’s imminent lunar return, the long-debated topic of Lunar Property Rights is reemerging as a central concern for nations around the world and for space-bound entrepreneurs. A comprehensive session chaired by IISL President Tanja Masson-Zwaan (TR) at the recent Global Lunar Conference in Beijing, China featured critical evaluations of the subject by representatives of India, Korea, China, Canada, Europe, Russia and Iran. American professors, lawyers, scientists and entrepreneurs such as Declan O’Donnell, Alan Wasser (CR), Angel Abbud-Madrid (Colorado School of Mines) and Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz (Director of the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law) have also been at the forefront of this debate. With 9.38B acres of land on the Moon, the idea of using ‘land claim recognition’ could make privately funded space settlements profitable and thereby possible in the near future.(Credit: ISR, CNSA, IISL,, GLXP,

Benefits of Satellites to be Discussed at ESA Living Planet Symposium

The European Space Agency’s (ESA) largest scientific event of the year will take place in Bergen, Norway on June 28-July 2. Hundreds of scientists and decision makers worldwide are expected to attend the ‘Living Planet Symposium’ which highlights recent results from ESA’s ERS, ENVISAT, GOCE, SMOS and CRYOSAT satellites. For over 40 years, satellites have given us a better understanding of our planet, allowing us to monitor and respond to environmental change and natural disasters. Latest satellite imagery from ESA’s ENVISAT, Europe’s largest satellite weighing 8211 kg, have allowed scientists to track the USA oil spill using its Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar instrument and determine the location and rate at which the oil travels (CR). The Envisat’s Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer has aided scientists in tracking new eruptions and ash plumes emitted from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajoekull volcano (BL). ESA Director Volker Liebig (BR) will give an opening address followed by presentations from ESA Principal Investigators Reiner Rummel, Yann Kerr, Duncan Wingham and Johnny Johannessen. The symposium will cover satellite data on Earth’s atmosphere, climate and meteorology, cryosphere, oceanography, land and potential hazards. In addition, there will be poster presentations from contributors and presentations on future ESA missions. (Credit: ESA, blipblog)

= All times for terrestrial events in local time unless noted.
= All times for international terrestrial events in local time unless noted.
= All times for space events, and…
= All times for international space / astro events in Hawaii Standard Time unless noted. Add 10 hours to obtain UT (‘Universal Time;’ Greenwich, England).

Weekly Planet Watch – Morning Planets: Jupiter (SE) / Evening Planets: Venus (W), Mars (W), Saturn (WSW).


Jun 28 — International Space Station, LEO: E-24 crew members continue science experiments and complete routine inspections as Wheelock, Walker and Yurchikhin continue orientation activities to familiarize themselves with new home aboard the ISS.

Jun 28 — NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Orbit: Several accomplishments from LRO successful 1 year orbit include finding the coldest place on the Moon and Solar System (Hermite Crater, -248°C), tracking Apollo 11 astronauts landing site and 1st steps on the Moon, imagery from Apollo 14 nearly reaching Cone Crater, finding Russian Rover Lunokhod-1 after 39 years, mapping the lunar Far Side never seen from Earth, continuing to document every crater, boulder, mountain and lunar pit, detailing Lunar Rilles to determine origin of mysterious rivers and mapping solar illumination at the South Pole.

Jun 28 — Mars, Red Planet: Scientists from NASA and USGS continue to investigate a new pit crater or ‘skylight’ – a small part of the roof of a cave or a lava tube that collapsed, after the discovery was recently made by 7th graders from Evergreen Middle School in Cottonwood CA studying thermal images from Mars-orbiting camera.

Jun 28 — The University of Hawaii Board of Regents, Honolulu HI: UH Board of regents to debate in public meeting whether to grant final approval of Thirty Meter Telescope project.

Jun 28-29 — European Union, Paris, France: 1st Europlanet Strategic Meeting on Coordinated Ground-based Measurements and Modeling of the Venus Atmosphere.’

Jun 28-Jul 1 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chicago IL: ’40th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit / 10th AIAA / ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference / 27th AIAA Aerodynamics Measurement and Ground Testing Conference / 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference / 41st Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference / 5th Flow Control Conference.’

Jun 28- Jul 2 — ESA, Bergen, Norway: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010.’

Jun 28- Jul 2 — Italian Space Agency, Max Planck Institute, Stanford University, et al, Stanford CA: 8th International LISA Symposium.’

Jun 28-Jul 2 — American Meteorological Society, Portland OR:13th Conference of Atmospheric Radiation.’

Jun 28 — Beta Taurid Meteors: Peak of daytime meteor shower, radiating from Constellation Taurus.

Jun 28 — Asteroid 2005 ED318: Near-Earth Flyby (0.070 AU).

Continued from . . .

Jan 30 — Museum of Science and Industry, Confucius Institute / University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom: Exhibition: From Gunpowder to Space Rockets – The China Space Program,’ includes models of ancient rockets, recent satellites, rockets, space ships and a lunar rover; through Aug 7.

Jun 26 — NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, Pasadena CA: 2010 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop;’ Workshop will consist of series of tutorial discussions covering theory and observations associated with various topics; through Jun 30.

Jun 26 — International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France and Stuttgart, Germany:ISU Summer Session Program;’ through Aug 27.

Jun 27 — SPIE, San Diego CA: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Observational Frontiers of Astronomy for the New Decade;’ through Jul 2.


Jun 29-Jul 1 — European Virtual Observatory, Belgrade, Serbia: ‘3rd International School in Astronomy: Astroinformatics.’


Jun 30 — RSA, Launch Soyuz / Progress 38P, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: A Russian government Soyuz rocket will launch the 38th Progress cargo delivery ship to the International Space Station.

Jun 30 — The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘NASA’s Flexible Path Architecture Study for Human Missions,’ David Korsmeyer.

Jun 30 — Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC: ‘How to Dress a Lunar Module: LM2 and its Display,’ Allan Needell.

Jun 30 — New Horizons TCM-4, Pluto-Kuiper Belt: Spacecraft conducts Trajectory Correction Maneuver #4 today.

Jun 30 — Cassini OTM-255, Saturn Orbit: Spacecraft conducts Orbital Trim Maneuver #255 today.

Jun 30Moon: 4.3° NNW of Neptune; 12:00.


Jul 1 — Deep Space: NASA Kepler team documents over 700 Exoplanet candidates while astronomers continue to measure orbital speed and investigate 1st super storm of exoplanet ‘Hot Jupiter’ HD209458b.

Jul 1 — International Space University, ESA, Alsace, France: ‘Space Science and Exploration – For What It’s Worth,’ David Southwood.

Jul 1 — Moon: At Apogee (Distance 63.51 Earth-Radii); 00:00.


Jul 2 — Rice University, NASA Johnson Space Center, Miller Outdoor Theater, Bonn Terre MO: ‘Starlight Movie Night: Apollo 13,’ view free NASA exhibits on the history and future of human space flight and touch a Moon rock.


Jul 3-16 — Moscow Aerospace Institute, Moscow, Russia: International Aerospace School: From Russia, With Space.’

Jul 3 — Cassini OTM-256, Saturn Orbit: Spacecraft conducts Orbital Trim Maneuver #256 today.

Jul 3 — Moon: 6.0° NNW of Uranus, 06:00; 6.5° NNW of Jupiter, 10:00.


Jul 4 — Space Age Publishing Company, International Lunar Observatory Association, San Jose CA:Galaxy Forum USA.’

Jul 4 — Zero Gravity Corporation, Washington DC: Commercial weightless flight onboard G Force One.

Jul 4-8 — Geological Society of Australia, Geoscience Australia, et al, Canberra, Australia: Australian Earth Sciences Convention.’

Jul 4-12 — Betchart Expeditions Inc, Planetary Society, Papeete, Tahiti: Tahiti Total Solar Eclipse 2010.’

Jul 4 — Moon: At Last Quarter; 04:36.

Jun 30 — RSA, Launch Soyuz / Progress 38P, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: A Russian government Soyuz rocket will launch the 38th Progress cargo delivery ship to the International Space Station.

Jun 30 — The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘NASA’s Flexible Path Architecture Study for Human Missions,’ David Korsmeyer.

Jun 30 — Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC: ‘How to Dress a Lunar Module: LM2 and its Display,’ Allan Needell.

NET July — Arianespace, Launch Ariane 5 / Rascom-QAF 1R & Nilesat 201, Kourou, French Guiana: Arianespace flight 196 to use Ariane 5 rocket with cryogenic upper stage to launch Rascom-QAF 1R communications satellite to serve Africa and Egypt’s COMS 1 satellite.

Jul 3-16 — Moscow Aerospace Institute, Moscow, Russia: International Aerospace School: From Russia, With Space.’

Jul 4 — Space Age Publishing Company, International Lunar Observatory Association, San Jose CA:Galaxy Forum USA.’

Jul 4 — Zero Gravity Corporation, Washington DC: Commercial weightless flight onboard G Force One.

Jul 4-12 — Betchart Expeditions Inc, Planetary Society, Papeete, Tahiti: Tahiti Total Solar Eclipse 2010.’

Jul 5-7 — National Space Society Australia, Adelaide, Australia: 11th Australian Space Development Conference (ASDC).’

Jul 5-7 — Engineers Australia, Adelaide, Australia: 16th National Space Engineering Symposium (NSES).’

Jul 5- Aug 13 — International Summer Institute For Modeling in Astrophysics, Santa Cruz CA:ISIMA 2010: Transport Processes in Astrophysics;’ Course to address topical problems such as radiative transfer, transport of chemical species, momentum, magnetic fields and energy induced by waves or by hydrodynamical and magnetohydrodynamical turbulence.

Jul 7-9 — Latvia Transport & Telecommunications Institute, International Academy of Astronautics, et al, Riga, Latvia: 2nd Space and Global Security of Humanity.’

Jul 9 — Orbital Sciences Corporation, Launch Minotaur 4 / STP SBSS, Vandenburg AFB CA: The Air Force Minotaur 4 rocket to launch 1st satellite of the Space-Based Surveillance System.

Jul 9 — Hampshire Astronomical Group, Hampshire, United Kingdom: ‘Pictures in the Sky,’ Ian Ridpath.

Jul 10 — International Launch Services, Launch Proton / EchoStar 15, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: An ILS Proton Rocket with a Breeze M upperstage to deploy EchoStar 15 telecommunications spacecraft satellite  to provide direct-to-home broadcasting services.

Jul 10 — Zero Gravity Corporation, Cape Canaveral FL: Commercial weightless flight onboard G Force One.

Jul 10 — ESA Rosetta Mission, Deep Space: Spacecraft conducts 2nd asteroid flyby (Asteroid Lutetia) en route to Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Jul 11 — Total Solar Eclipse: 08:15-10:51; Eclipse is visible in the Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Easter Island, and in Southern Chile and Argentina.

Jul 11-15 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Barcelona, Spain:40th International Conference on Environmental Systems.’

Jul 11-16 — Institute of Engineering and Technology, EADS Astrium, Surrey, United Kingdom:25th Satellite Communications Systems: IET Residential Training Course.’

Jul 12 — The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘From Hot Jupiters to Super-Earths: A Survey of Exoplanetary Atmospheres,’ Heather Knutson.

Jul 12-16 — NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD:Lunar Institute for Educators,’ Educators for grades 6-12 to learn how much our understanding of the Moon has changed since NASA launched LRO / LCROSS.

Jul 13-15 — The National Academies, Washington DC:Planetary Decadal Survey Meeting: Steering Group.’

Jul 15 — The SETI Institute, Houston TX:Direct Measurements of Solar Activity in the Past 35,000 Years,’ Devendra Lal.

Jun 15-17 — GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany:9th International Microbeam Workshop.’

Jul 16 — African-American Male Achievers Network Inc, International Science Discovery & Learning Center, Los Angeles CA: ‘Apollo 11 41st Anniversary Celebration.

Jul 18 — Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas TX: ‘Moon Day Celebration.’

Jul 18 — NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Lunar Science Institute, Moffett Field CA: ‘1st LunarGradCon,’ for grad students and early-career postdocs to present their research on lunar science in a friendly environment among their peers; *Held in conjunction with NASA Lunar Science Forum Jul 20-22.

Jul 18-25 — Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Bremen, Germany:38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly.’

Jul 19 — NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Lunar Science Institute, Moffett Field CA: ‘2nd Annual Lunar Scientists and Engineers Workshop.’

Jul 19-23 — NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA: ‘22nd NASA Planetary Science Summer School.’

Jul 19-25 — Farnborough International Air Show 2010, Farnborough, United Kingdom:46th Farnborough International Air Show;’ International Space Pavilion offers 1,100 square meters of exhibit space dedicated to the products, projects, and professionals in the space industry.

Jul 20 — 41st Apollo 11 Observation, Nationwide USA / Global: 1st Human mission to land on Moon in 1969; 1st steps by humans on another planetary body taken by Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin.

Jul 20-22 — New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn NY: ‘2nd International Symposium on Solar Sailing (ISSS) 2010.’

Jul 20-22 — NASA, Moffett Field CA: ‘3rd NASA Lunar Science Forum 2010.’

Jul 21 — The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘From Hot Jupiters to Super-Earths: A Survey of Exoplanetary Atmospheres,’ Heather Knutson.

Jul 22 — WM Keck Observatory, Kamuela HI: ‘2010 Astronomy Lecture Series: Extrasolar Planets and their Stars,’ John Johnson.

Jul 22-23 — NASTAR Center, Philadelphia PA: NASTAR 2-Day Space Training Program.’

Jul 22-Aug 1 — Girl Scouts of Northern California, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA:Girl Scout Destination: The Future is Green,’ program to offer girls an opportunity to explore how green technology in astronomy, environment and robotics can help save Earth.

Jul 23-25 — Space Frontier Foundation, Mountain View CA:NewSpace 2010: Ready for Take-off.’

Jul 23-24 — Institute of Meteoritics, Impact Field Studies Group, Santa Fe NM:2-Day Field Trip to Santa Fe Impact Structure and Valles Caldera.’

Jul 25-28 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nashville TN:8th Annual International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference / 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit.’

Jul 26 — American Astronautical Society, Online: AAS Award Nominations deadline to recognize the excellence and professional service of AAS members of the space community.

Jul 26-30 — The Meteoritical Society, New York City NY:MetSoc 2010: 73rd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.’

Jul 26-Aug 1 — Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc., Oshkosh WI:EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2010.’

Jul 27-30 — American Astronautical Society, The Chinese Society of Astronautics, Japanese Rocket Society, Montréal, Quebec, Canada:International Space Conference of Pacific-Basin Societies (ISCOPS).’

Jul 27-Jul 2 — Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, San Diego CA:Spie Astronomical Instrumentation: Observational Frontiers of Astronomy for the New Decade.’

Jul 27-Aug 7 — NASA, National Science Teacher’s Association, Houston TX: ‘Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program,’ High School teachers from AL, DE, GA, MS, NY, NC and WA to fly in a microgravity experiment.

Jul 28 — The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘Exploring Mars for Evidence of Habitable Environments and Life,’ David Des Marais.

Jul 30 — United Launch Alliance LLC, Launch Atlas 5 / AEHF 1, Cape Canaveral FL: The United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 (AV-019) rocket set to launch 1st Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) military satellite.

Jul 31-Aug 4 — Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Boulder CO:122 ASP 2010 Meeting,’ includes ‘Cosmos in the Classroom 2010: A Hands-on Symposium on Teaching Introductory Astronomy” and ‘Making Connections In Education and Public Outreach: A Symposium for Those Working in EPO.

NET Aug — International Launch Services, Launch Proton / Skyterra 1, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: International Launch Services Proton Rocket with a Breeze M upper stage to deploy SkyTerra 1 mobile communications satellite to cover north and central America.

NET Aug — SpaceX, Launch Falcon 9 / Dragon C1, Cape Canaveral FL: The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket set to launch 1st active Dragon C1 spacecraft; Mission to demonstrate capabilities of Dragon in a 4 1/2 hr test flight.

Aug 1-21 — International Astronomical Youth Camps (IAYC), Klingenthal, Germany:IAYC 2010.’

NET Aug 2 — JAXA, Launch H-2A / Michibiki, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan: The Japanese H-2A rocket set to launch the Michibiki navigation satellite (Quasi-Zenith Satellite), to enhance GPS navigation signals in Japanese urban areas and mountainous terrain.

Aug 2-5 — American Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics, Toronto, Ontario, Canada:AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist / AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics / AIAA Atmospheric Space Environments / AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control / AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies.’

Aug 2-6 — NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA: ‘NASA Planetary Science Summer School.’

Aug 4The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘Titan Unveiled,’ Ralph Lorenz.

Aug 5-8 — The Mars Society, Dayton OH:13th International Mars Society Convention,’ Carolyn Porco, one of the world’s leading planetary scientists to give plenary talk.

Aug 7 — Zero Gravity Corporation, Cape Canaveral FL: Commercial weightless flight onboard G Force One.

Aug 9-12 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Utah State University, Logan UT: 24th Annual Conference on Small Satellites: Bringing Visionaries, System Implementers and Mission Sponsors Together.’

Aug 10 — NASA Lunar Science Institute, Moffett Field CA: ‘NLSI Executive Council Meeting.’

Aug 13-15 — The Space Engineering and Science Institute, Redmond WA:2010 Space Elevator Conference.’

Aug 13-15 — The SETI Institute, Santa Clara CA:SETIcon 2010.’

Aug 15-20 — International Glaciological Society, Columbus OH:Earth’s Disappearing Ice: Drivers, Responses and Impacts.’

Aug 16-18 — NASA, Gaylord National Harbor MD:1st Information Technology Summit.’

Aug 16-20 — Austrian Society for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vienna, Austria:Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants.’

Aug 18 — The SETI Institute, Mountain View CA: Colloquium Series Lecture: ‘From Earth to the Stars: Psychological Issues During Space Missions,’ Nick Kanas.

Aug 21 — Zero Gravity Corporation, Cape Canaveral FL: Commercial weightless flight onboard G Force One.

Aug 22-26 — International Astronomical Union, Ventura CA:IAU Symposium 273: Physics of Sun and Star Spots.’

Aug 23-27 — National Institute of Science, Astronomical Observatory of the Marseille Province, et al, Haute-Provence, France:Detection and Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets.’

Aug 25-28 — Indian Space Research Organization, Confederation of Indian Industry, Bengaluru, India:Bengaluru Space Expo 2010.’

Aug 30-Sep 2 — Venus Exploration Assessment Group (VEXAG), Madison WI:2010 VEXAG International Workshop: Venus – Our Closest Earth-like Planet – From Surface to Thermosphere, How Does it Work?

Aug 30-Sep 2 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Anaheim CA:28th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2010) / AIAA Space 2010 Conference and Exposition.’

Aug 31-Sep 2 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Anaheim CA:Education Alley / Space 2010 Conference and Exposition: Space – Imagine, Innovate, Collaborate.’

Aug 31 — RSA, Launch Proton / Glonass, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: Russian government Proton rocket set to launch spacecraft for Glonass satellite navigation constellation.

NET Sep — Arianespace, Launch Soyuz / Globalstar, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: Arianespace Soyuz rocket set to launch 6-second generation Globalstar mobile communications using a Fregat upper stage.

Sep 1 Orbital Launch Services LLC, Launch Minotaur / STP S26, Kodiak Island AK: The Air Force Minotaur 4 rocket set to launch a group of satellites sponsored by the Air Force’s Space Test Program; STPSat 2, NASA FASTSAT & O/OREOS Cubesat mission.

Sep 1, 3 — SHIFTboston, Boston MA / Online: Sep 1 Application deadline for Moon Capital Competition to design a 2nd generation living and working Moon habitat; Sep 3 Submission deadline due online.

Sep 2 — Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) , Madison WI:8th Meeting of the VEXAG.’

Sep 3-4 — Dark Skies Advisory Group, Kaposvar, Hungary:10th European Symposium for Protection of Night Sky.’

Sep 6-10 — Dark Skies Advisory Group, Lastovo Island, Croatia:3rd International Symposium for Dark-Sky Parks and Camp.’

Sep 7 United Launch Alliance, Launch Atlas 5 / NROL-41, Vandenberg AFB CA: ULA Atlas 5 rocket to launch classified spacecraft payload for US National Reconnaissance Office.

Sep 8 — RSA, Launch Soyuz / Progress 39P, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: Russia Progress 39 cargo spacecraft delivers supplies to ISS crew.

Sep 13-15 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Fort Worth TX: ‘13th AIAA / ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization Conference / 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Conference.’

Sep 13-15 — University of Bologna, ESA, et al, Cagliari, Italy: ‘5th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference / 11th Signal Processing For Space Communications Workshop.’

Sep 13-17 — ESA, CANEUS International Organization, Noordwijk, The Netherlands: ‘International Week on Micro and Nano Technologies for Space 2010,’ featuring 2 events: 7th ESA Round-Table on MNT for Space Applications / 6th CANEUS Workshop.

Sep 14-16 — Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, Washington DC: ‘2010 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group.’

Sep 16 — NASA, Launch Discovery STS-135, Cape Canaveral FL: USA mission to the International Space Station set to deliver the Express Logistics Carrier 4, a Multi-Purpose Logistics Module and critical spare components.

Sep 16-17 — NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG), Boulder CO: ‘OPAG Meeting.’

Sep 19-24 — European Planetology Network, European Geosciences Union, Rome, Italy: European Planetary Science Congress 2010.’

Sep 22-24 — The Planetary Crater Consortium, Flagstaff AZ: 1st Meeting of The Planetary Crater Consortium.’

Sep 23-24 — NASTAR Center, Philadelphia PA: NASTAR 2-Day Space Training Program.’

Sep 23-25 — Space Generation Advisory Council, Prague, Czech Republic: ‘Space Generation Congress 2010,’ the Global Space Congress for university students and young professionals interested in today’s key space issues.

Sep 27 -Oct 1 — International Astronautical Federation, Czech Space Office, Prague, Czech Republic:61st International Astronautical Congress.’

Sep 27-Oct 1 — International Institute of Space Law, Prague, Czech Republic:Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition: 2010 World Finals / IISL Space Law Colloquium.’

Sep 28-30 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Anaheim CA:AIAA Space 2010,’ exhibits from industry, government, and academic organizations in the space industry.

Sep 28-30 — ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands:11th Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programs / Electrical Ground Support Equipment Workshop.’

NET Oct — Arianespace, Launch Soyuz / HYLAS, Kourou, French Guiana: An Arianespace Soyuz rocket set to launch 1st mission from the Guiana Space Center in South America.

NET Oct — People’s Republic of China, Launch Long March 3A / Chang’e 2, Xichang, China: A Chinese Long March 3A rocket will launch Chang’e 2, China’s second lunar orbiter.

Oct 1 — International Academy of Astronautics, Berlin, Germany / Online: Deadline submission of abstracts for 8th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation on Apr 4-8, 2011.’

Oct 3— Zero Gravity Corporation, Honolulu HI: Commercial weightless flight onboard G Force One.

Oct 3-7 — The International Astronautical Federation, Cape Town, South Africa: ‘62nd International Astronautical Congress.’

Oct 3-8 — American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences, Pasadena CA:42nd Annual Meeting of the DPS.’

Oct 4 — 53rd Sputnik Observation, Worldwide: World’s 1st artificial satellite launched into space by the Soviet Union in 1957; orbited Earth in about 98 minutes.

Oct 4-6 — International Center for Integrated Mountain Development , Kathmandu, Nepal:Benefiting from Earth Observation: Bridging the Data Gap for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region.

Oct 4-8 — ESA, Rhodes Island, Greece: ‘2010 International Conference on Space Optics.’

Oct 4-8 — International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Bicentennial Commission of Chile, et al, Santiago, Chile: ‘Latin American Remote Sensing Week.’

Oct 4-8 — Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan: ‘5th Alfven Conference on Plasma Interaction with Non-magnetized Planets / Moons and its Influence on Planetary Evolution.’

Oct 4-9 — Laboratory for Advanced Technology Applications, University of Constantine, Algeria, Africa: ‘2nd Africa Space Fest.’

Oct 5-6 — Lunar University Network for Astrophysics Research, Boulder CO: ‘Robotic Science from the Moon: Gravitational Physics, Heliophysics and Cosmology.’

Oct 6-8 — International Academy of Astronautics, London, United Kingdom: ‘2nd IAA Symposium on Searching for Life Signatures,’ Milton Keynes.

Oct 5-8 — ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands: ‘32nd ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas for Space Applications.’

Oct 7-9 — COMEXCEBA, Toluca, Mexico: ‘2010 1st International Aerospace Congress of Mexico / 1st Moon Landing Commemoration of Apollo 11‘ on Oct 9.

NET Oct 8 — RSA, Launch Soyuz / ISS 24S, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan:A Russian government Soyuz rocket will launch the manned Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station with members of the next Expedition crew.

Oct 8-10 — Imiloa Astronomy Center, Hilo HI:3rd Annual Hilo Wayfinding and Navigation Festival.’

Oct 10-24 — Lockheed Martin, Washington DC:1st USA Science & Engineering Festival,’ featuring over 500 science & engineering organizations from all over nation the opportunity to present themselves with a hands-on, fun science activity to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.

Oct 11-14— ESA, Venice, Italy: ‘Science With the Hubble Space Telescope 3: 2 Decades and Counting .’

Oct 11-15 — International Astronomical Union, Torino, Italy: ‘IAU Symposium 276: The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems: Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution.’

Oct 11-15 — Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia: ‘The 1st Moscow Solar System Symposium.’

Oct 11 — Deep Impact / Epoxi, Deep Space: Deep Impact spacecraft to flyby additional target, Comet Hartley-2; spacecraft involved in Epoxi mission (Extrasolar Planet Observation and Characterization and the Deep Impact Extended Investigation) since successful primary mission impact of Comet Temple-1 in Jul 2005.

Oct 13 — National Space and Technology Association, Houston TX: ’3rd Annual State-of-the-City Technology Report and EXPO.’

Oct 13-15 — ESA, Lausanne, Switzerland: ‘4th International Workshop on System & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications.’

Oct 14-15 — Eurisy, European Space Policy Institute, ESA, Rabat, Morocco: ‘Development and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region Using Satellite Services.’

Oct 16-23 — Betchart Expeditions Inc, Planetary Society, Kona HI: Discover Hawaii.’

Oct 18-21 — International Academy of Astronautics, Damascus, Syria: ‘1st IAA Regional Conference in Middle East.’

Oct 18-22 — New Mexico State University, New Mexico Space Grant Consortium, et al, Las Cruces NM: ‘International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight 2010.’

Oct 19 — United Launch Alliance, Launch Delta 4-Heavy / NROL-32, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station FL: The United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket set to launch a classified spy satellite cargo for the US.

Oct 21 — SHIFTboston, Boston MA: ‘Moon Capital Forum 2010,’ winners from Moon Capital Competition to be presenters.

Oct 22 — Spaceport America, Virgin Galactic, Las Cruces NM: WhiteKnightTwo / SpaceShipTwo to make flyover of Spaceport America for inauguration of runway.

Oct 23-27 — National Space Society Puerto Rico, Leeward Space Foundation, et al, San Juan PR: Puerto Rico Space Congress: Space is the Answer!

Oct 25-28 — NASA, Air Force Research Laboratory, Moffett Field CA: ‘Commercial and Government Responsive Access to Space Technology Exchange (CRASTE): Unleashing the Genius of the American Entrepreneur.’

Oct 25-29 — United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, International Academy of Astronautics, et al, Addis-ababa, Ethiopia: ‘8th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing and the Environment.’

Oct 25-29 — Sophia Center for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, University of Wales Lampeter, Bath, United Kingdom: ‘7th International Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomenon.’

Oct 27 — RSA, Launch Soyuz / Progress 40 (M74), Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: Russia Progress 40 cargo spacecraft delivers supplies to ISS crew.

Oct 28-30 — SpaceLand, Sardinia, Italy:2nd SpaceLand Expo-Congress’ / ’1st European Summit on SMES and Space Tourism.’

Oct 29 — ISC, Launch Dnepr / Multi-payload, Yasny, Russia: Dnepr rocket to launch Sich 2 Earth observation for Ukraine, NigeriaSat 2 & NigeriaSat X remote sensing satellites for Nigeria, RASAT satellite demonstration for Turkey, EduSAT spacecraft for the University of Rome and other payloads.

NET Oct 29 — United Launch Alliance, Launch Delta 2 / COSMO-SkyMed 4, Vandenberg Air Force Base CA: United Launch Alliance Delta 2 rocket will launch the fourth Italian COSMO-SkyMed radar Earth-imaging satellite used for civil and military applications.

Oct 31-Nov 3 — Geological Society of America, Denver CO:2010 GSA Annual Meeting: Reaching New Peaks in GeoScience.’

NET Nov Orbital Launch Services LLC, Launch Minotaur / TacSat 4, Kodiak Island AK: The Air Force Minotaur 4 rocket set to launch the experimental TacSat 4 demonstration satellite for the military’s Operationally Responsive Space office.

NET Nov — NASA, Launch Endeavour STS-134, Cape Canaveral FL: U.S. mission to the International Space Station set to deliver the Express Logistics Carrier 3, a Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.

NET Nov — Arianespace, Launch Soyuz / Galileo, Kourou, French Guiana: An Arianespace Soyuz rocket set to launch 3rd mission from the Guiana Space Center in South America.

Nov 1-3 — National Space Organization of Taiwan, International Astronautical Federation, Taipei, Taiwan: ‘6th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying.’

Nov 4 — Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED), NASA, Newport News VA: ‘TEDxNASA 2010: Ideas Worth Spreading.’

Nov 4-7 — American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology (ASGSB), Washington DC: ‘2010 Annual Meeting of ASGSB.’

Nov 7-10 — European Southern Observatory, Copiapo, Chile: ‘Spiral Structure in the Milky Way: Confronting Observations and Theory.’

Nov 8-9 — NASTAR Center, Philadelphia PA: NASTAR 2-Day Space Training Program.’

Nov 16-17 — American Astronautical Society, Cocoa Beach FL: AAS National Conference: ISS – The Next Decade;’ AAS nominated recipients to also accept awards.

Nov 17 — United Launch Alliance, Atlas 5 / GPS 2F-2, Cape Canaveral FL: The United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 (AV-023) rocket set to launch the Air Force’s 2nd Block 2F navigation satellite for the Global Positioning System.

Nov 17 — International Academy of Astronautics, Washington DC: ‘Space for Humanity: Space Agencies Summit.’

Nov 21 — Victorian Space Science Education, Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum, et al, Melbourne, Australia: ‘APRSAF Water Rocket Launch Competition.’

Nov 22 — Orbital Sciences Corporation, Launch Taurus / Glory, Vandenberg Air Force Base CA: The Orbital Sciences Taurus rocket set to launch NASA’s Glory Earth observation satellite.

Nov 23-26 — Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum, Melbourne, Australia: ‘17th Session of the APRSAF,’ includes a poster contest for children themed ‘Space Technology to Help Earth.’

Nov 30 — Arianespace, Launch Ariane 5 / ATV 2, Kourou, French Guiana: The Arianespace Ariane 5 rocket set tolaunch the European Space Agency’s second Automated Transfer Vehicle, named Johannes Kepler.

Nov 30 – Dec 2 — International Academy of Astronautics, Abuja, Nigeria: ‘IAA Nigeria International Symposium on the Equatorial Plane: Atrributes and Characteristics.’

NET Dec — Orbital Sciences Corporation, Launch Minotaur 1 / ORS 1, Wallops Island VA: The Air Force Minotaur 1 rocket will launch the Operationally Responsive Space 1, or ORS 1, satellite.

Dec 1 — United Launch Alliance, Launch Delta 4-Heavy / NROL-49, Vandenberg Air Force Base CA: The United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket set to launch a classified spy satellite cargo for the US National Reconnaissance Office.

Dec 4 — International Lunar Observatory Association, Space Age Publishing Company, Daiba, Tokyo, Japan: ‘Galaxy Forum Japan: Galaxy Education in the 21st Century.’

Dec 6 — China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Shanghai, China: 2010 Shanghai World Expo: Space Home Exhibit.’

Dec 9-10 — NASTAR Center, Philadelphia PA: NASTAR 2-Day Space Training Program.’

Dec 10 — RSA, Launch Soyuz / ISS 25S, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: A Russian government Soyuz rocket will launch the manned Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station with members of the next Expedition crew.

Dec 10 — National Center for Remote Sensing, Air Space and Law, Washington DC:4th Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law.’

Dec 10 — Hampshire Astronomical Group, Hampshire, United Kingdom: ‘20 Things You Didn’t Know About Astronomy,’ Robin Scagell.

Dec 13-17 — American Geophysical Union, San Francisco CA:AGU Fall Meeting.’

Dec 20 Total Lunar Eclipse: 20:32-00:01 (Dec 21); Visible in Asia, Australia, the Pacific, the Americas, and Europe.

Dec 27 — RSA, Launch Soyuz / Progress 41 (M75), Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan: Russia Progress 41 cargo spacecraft delivers supplies to ISS crew.

Dec 31 — X Prize Foundation, Santa Monica CA: Deadline for registration to compete for Google Lunar X Prize.


NET 2011 — Arianespace, Launch Soyuz / Pleiades 1, Kourou, French Guiana: An Arianespace Soyuz rocket set to launch 2nd mission from the Guiana Space Center in South America.

Jan 3-7 — Indian Space Research Organization, Chennai, India: ‘98th Indian Science Congress.’

Jan 9-13 — American Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics, Orlando FL: ‘49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.’

Jan 9-13 — American Astronomical Society, Seattle WA:217th Meeting of the AAS.’

Jan 15 — International Academy of Astronautics, Washington DC: Deadline nomination for IAA membership.

Jan 25-26 — NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group, Washington DC: ‘4th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group.’

Jan 28 — 25th Challenger 51-L Observation, Nationwide USA: Shuttle accident took place 28 January 1986 killing seven crew members including Commander Francis R. “Dick” Scobee, its pilot, Michael J. Smith, and its crew, Christa McAuliffe (the 1st ‘Teacher in Space’), Mission Specialists Ellison S. Onizuka, Judith A. Resnick and Ronald E. McNair, along with Payload Specialist Gregory B. Jarvis.

Feb  — ESA, Moscow, Russia: Mars500 mission ‘arrival’ on Mars to begin surface operations.

Feb 1 — 8th Columbia STS-107 Observation, Nationwide USA: Shuttle explosion took place 1 February 2003 on its return to Earth killing David M. Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Michael P. Anderson, William McCool, and Ilan Ramon.

Feb 13-17 — American Astronautical Society, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Orlando FL: ‘21st AAS / AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting.’

Feb 14 — Stardust NEXT, Deep Space: Spacecraft conducts flyby of comet Temple 1 to obtain high resolution images of the coma and nucleus, as well as measurements of the composition, size distribution, and flux of dust emitted into the coma.

Feb 28- Mar 1 — University of Central Florida, Orlando FL:Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference 2011.’

Mar  — ESA, Moscow, Russia: Mars500 astronauts to begin ‘voyage’ back to Earth.

Mar 18 — MESSENGER, Mercury Orbit: Spacecraft enters Mercury orbit; spacecraft to map entire planet in color and conduct various measurements.

Mar 30-31 — American Astronautical Society, Greenbelt MD: ‘49th Robert Goddard Memorial Symposium.’

Apr — Space Tourism Month, Global: Space Tourism Society and other space groups designate April to be ‘Space Tourism Month,’ celebrating the 10th commemoration of Tito’s liftoff, 15th year of the founding of STS, 30th commemoration of 1st US Space Shuttle flight and Apr 12 50th commemoration of the 1st human to orbit Earth in 1961.

Oct 1 — International Academy of Astronautics, Berlin, Germany / Online: ‘8th IAA Symposium on Small Satellite for Earth Observation.’

Apr 10-15 — International Committee on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, Australia: ‘2nd Middle East-Africa IAU Regional Meeting.’

Apr 11-14 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  San Francisco CA: ‘17th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference.’

Apr 17-21 — International Astronomical Union, Cape Town, South Africa: ‘2nd Middle East-Africa IAU Regional Meeting.’

Apr 20-22 — National Space Agency of Ukraine Yuzhnoye State Design Office, et al, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine: ‘3rd Advanced Space Technologies for Humankind Prosperity.’

Apr 28-30 — Space Tourism Society, Los Angeles CA: ‘Space Tourism Symposium 2011.’

May 10-13 — International Academy of Astronautics, Bucharest, Romania: ‘2nd IAA Planetary Defense Conference.’

May 22-26 — American Astronomical Society, Boston MA: ‘218th Meeting of the AAS.’

May 30-Jun 1 — International Academy of Astronautics, Arcachon, France: ‘2nd Symposium On Private Human Access to Space.’

Jun 5-12 — International Symposium on Space Technology and Science Committee, JAXA, et al, Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan:28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science.’

Jun 27-30 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Honolulu HI: ‘Atmospheric Space Environments Conference / 42nd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on MHD Energy Conversion (ICMHD).’

July 26-29 — International Astronomical Union, Chiang Mai, Thailand: ‘11th Asia-Pacific IAU Regional Meeting.’

July 26-Aug 7 — The Moon Society, Milwaukee WI:Apollo 15 Moon Party 40th Commemoration.’

Aug — NASA Dawn Mission, Asteroid Belt: Spacecraft scheduled to arrive at asteroid Vesta this month; launch in Sep 2007.

Aug 1-3 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, San Diego CA:47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit.’

Aug 8-11 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Portland OR:Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference.’

Aug 11 — Launch Juno Jupiter Orbiter, USA: 2nd mission in NASA New Horizons Program; arrives at Jupiter in Oct 2016.

Sep 27-29 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Long Beach CA:AIAA Space 2011 Conference & Exposition.’

NET Oct — Mars Rover Mars Science Laboratory, Cape Canaveral FL: Mars Science Laboratory otherwise known as Curios to assess whether Mars able to support microbial life and determine planet habitability.

Oct 2-7 — American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences, Nantes, France:43rd Annual Meeting of the DPS.’

Oct 3-7 — International Astronautical Federation, Cape Town, South Africa:62nd International Astronautical Congress.’

Oct 9-12 — Geological Society of America, Minneapolis MN:2011 GSA Annual Meeting.’

Nov  — ESA, Moscow, Russia: Mars500 astronauts end of mission.


NET 2012 — Launch PSLV / Chandrayaan-2, India: 2nd India robotic Moon Mission expected to launch; lander / rover to be conducted in cooperation with Russia.

NET 2012 — Launch Long March 5 / Chang’e-2, China: 2nd China robotic Moon Mission expected to launch; 2nd orbiter follow-on to Chang’e-1 launched in late 2007.

Jan — American Astronomical Society, Austin TX:219th Meeting of the AAS.’

Apr — NASA Dawn Mission, Asteroid Belt: Spacecraft scheduled to depart asteroid Vesta this month; launch in Sep 2007.

Apr 23-26 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Honolulu HI:53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 20th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 14th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference 13th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum 8th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference.’

Jun — American Astronomical Society, Anchorage AK:220th Meeting of the AAS.’

Jul 16-22 — Farnborough International Air Show 2012, Farnborough, United Kingdom:47th Farnborough International Air Show;’ International Space Pavilion offers 1,100 square meters of exhibit space dedicated to the products, projects, and professionals in the space industry.

Aug 20-31 — International Astronomical Union, Beijing, China:28th IAU General Assembly.’

Sep — Launch Ares 1 / Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, KSC FL: Test flight of Ares 1 CLV to take place, dubbed ‘Ares 2;’ suborbital flight to test Ares 1 prototype upper stage, Orion launch abort system; time TBD.

Dec — Orbital Sciences Corporation, Launch Pegasus XL / IRIS, Vandenberg AFB CA: Orbital Sciences Corporation selected by NASA to launch the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph spacecraft aboard a Pegasus XL rocket.

Dec 31 — X Prize Foundation, Santa Monica CA: Google Lunar X Prize deadline for full $20M first prize; if prize not yet claimed first prize now drops to $15M.


Jan — American Astronomical Society, Long Beach CA:221st Meeting of the AAS.’

Mar — Launch Ares 1 CLV / Orion CEV, KSC FL: Unpiloted orbital test flight of Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle; time TBD.

Apr 8-11 — American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Boston MA:54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 21st AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 15th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference 14th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum 9th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference.’

Jun — American Astronomical Society, TBD:222nd Meeting of the AAS.’


Jan — American Astronomical Society, Washington DC:223rd Meeting of the AAS.’

May — ESA Rosetta Mission, Comet 67P / Churyumov- Gerasimenko Orbit: Spacecraft arrives at Comet 67P / Churyumov- Gerasimenko after 10 year journey.

Jun — American Astronomical Society, TBD:224th Meeting of the AAS.’

Jul 14-20 — Farnborough International Air Show 2014, Farnborough, United Kingdom:48th Farnborough International Air Show;’ International Space Pavilion offers 1,100 square meters of exhibit space dedicated to the products, projects, and professionals in the space industry.

Dec 31 — X Prize Foundation, Santa Monica CA: Final deadline for winning Google Lunar X Prize.


Jan — American Astronomical Society, Seattle WA:225th Meeting of the AAS.’

Feb — NASA Dawn Mission, Asteroid Belt: Spacecraft scheduled to arrive at asteroid Ceres this month; launch in Sep 2007.

Mar — Launch Ares 1 CLV / Orion CEV, KSC FL: First piloted flight of Orion Moonship expected; time TBD.

Jun — American Astronomical Society, TBD: ‘226th Meeting of the AAS.’

Jul — NASA Dawn Mission, Asteroid Belt: End of scheduled primary mission; launch in Sep 2007.

Jul 14 — New Horizons Pluto Encounter, Pluto Trajectory: Spacecraft conducts long-awaited encounter with Pluto today; launched 19 Jan 2006.

Dec — ESA Rosetta Mission, Comet 67P / Churyumov- Gerasimenko Orbit: End of scheduled mission.


Jul 18-24 — Farnborough International Airshow, United Kingdom: ‘49th Farnborough International Air Show;’ International Space Pavilion offers 1,100 square meters of exhibit space dedicated to the products, projects, and professionals in the space industry.

Oct — Juno Jupiter Orbiter, Jupiter Orbit: 2nd mission in NASA New Horizons Program arrives at Jupiter if 2011 launch on schedule.


NET 2017 — Launch Long March 5 / Chang’e, China: Earliest expected date for 3rd phase of China Lunar Exploration Program to collect samples of lunar soil, and return to Earth as precursor to human missions; time TBD.

Oct — Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corporation, Mauna Kea HI: First Light with full primary mirror.



Dec — Launch Orion 13, KSC FL: First human lunar landing mission as part of the Constellation mission manifest planned for this month; 21-day mission will see three members of a four man crew set foot on the lunar surface for the first time since 1972; time/date TBD.



Apr 13 — Asteroid 99942 Apophis, Earth Near-Miss: Astronomers say that on this day, which happens to be a Friday, asteroid previously known as 2004 MN4 will narrowly miss hitting Earth by about 30,000 km; asteroid 320 meters in diameter.


Apr 13 — Asteroid 99942 Apophis, Earth Near-Miss: Asteroid previously known as 2004 MN4 will make 2nd pass by Earth, missing by about 50 million km.


2061 — Halley’s Comet, Deep Space: Return of Halley’s Comet.

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